Christian Events : Christian Wedding

Indian Christian Weddings

For More options please call us 9900000941. 7events team is #1 to undertake Christian Weddings to their taste. The events are The Mass in the church with Isle decoration, Alter Decoration, Entrance Arch decoration in church, Premier Car Decoration, Fairy Baskets With Flowers & Welcome hand bouquet. The wedding reception generally done in outdoor resorts , garden venues. The rose ceremony is generally done by coastal Christians. Engagement is called Ring Ceremony and we have done many such ring ceremonies for Christian community. Welcome events, house event, Hindu-Christian style events are a common ones. Christians look for western style designs, clean and elegant concepts. most preferred colors are Lavender, Crème, White, Beige, Peach, baby Pink, baby blue & baby green colors. When they want strong colors, they prefer Pink, Dark Purple & wine colors. Generally our customers prefer one color or maximum 2 color combination for the decoration. Along with Decoration candid photography is a prime requirement. Beautiful table arrangements with center piece matching to the theme, chairs with bow, sash are common requirements. Photoshoot, Return gift and Western instrumental music a must. Generally the Christians prefer non vegetarian food with a small cocktail arrangements though not all the events would have. Most of these rituals are done indoor banquet halls.

Gallery#1: Christian Reception with Wine Crystal Theme Decoration

Gallery #2: Christian Wedding Reception Lavender Theme

Wedding Reception of a Christian couple was held in a banquet hall near central Bangalore. The stage theme is Lavender and White which is simple and very elegant. The customer was extremely happy for promise verses delivery from 7events team. Suitable lights, Door Entrance were all well matched for a best look and feel decoration.


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